Avocado with egg on toast

This is my all time favorite breakfast recipe. Not only can you eat it for breakfast but also for dinner and  as a snack as well. Now you...

This is my all time favorite breakfast recipe. Not only can you eat it for breakfast but also for dinner and  as a snack as well. Now you may be wondering if the egg on the photo above is an actual egg. Well, its an egg yolk and YES people with PKU can eat an egg yolk but just once a day depending on your current amount of Phenylylalanine in your blood. So, be careful!(If you are a low tolerant of protein or/and if currently have a high about of Phenylylanine in your blood you can substitute the egg yolk with an egg replacer.)

What's also great about this recipe is that we're using AVOCADOs. I absolutely love avocados, there such an amazing fruit and they benefit you in so many ways. They are packed with nutrients and heart-healthy compounds.You would be suprised how much this medium sized green/brown fruit can benefit you.


- 1 egg yolk (or egg replacer )
- half an avocado
-1-2 tbs of low protein milk (if wanting to make more use of the egg)
- 2 slices of low protein bread
-salt & pepper(to taste)


- Mix together a small amount of milk with egg yolk (this will double the amount of your egg) and      fry it on a bit of oil.
-Meanwhile toast your bread slices and then mash equal amouts of avocado on each bread slice.
- After you've fried your egg slice it in half and place on each avocado toast.
- Then just season it with salt and pepper ( or if you'd like to spice it up use cayenne pepper.)

   & Voíla
there you have it in less than 10min an Egg&Avo on Toast

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